
Ontology Mapping Specifiation Language API

Prototype Fact Sheet, 21 June 2005

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
François Scharffe
François Scharffe

Copyright © 2005 DERI All Rights Reserved.

1 Availability and Contacts

Version: 0.2, 21 June 2005.

Download: http://www.omwg.org/tools/omaplang/v0.2/mappingLanguage.jar

Source control: To be made available from CVS of the DOME SourceForge project.

Contact person: François Scharffe, francois.scharffe@deri.org

2 Purpose and Functionality

This API is built on top of the Ontology Mapping Language, presented in deliverable D4.4 of the SEKT project. The major objectives of this mapping language are: The API is based on the language specification avilable here in EBNF.

The jar file of the API contains :

2.2 Groundings

As stated above, the mapping language is ontology language independant. It then has to be grounded to the ontology language used. The API allows to export mapping documents in the following ontology language.

2.4 The Current Version

The current version of the API give the possibility to express simple constructs of the language: any kind of mapping between the class, attribute and relation entities using if necessary some operators to relate entities on one side. It is possible to parse a file into a java objects hierarchy, to manipulate these objects and to serialize them into a mapping document.

3 Requirements

Nature: A Java library without user interface.

Interfaces (API, Web Services): a Java API.

Platform: JDK 1.4.2., 1.5.0

Supported standards:

Required Libraries

4 Licensing

4.1 Mapping Language API License Agreement

Copyright (c) 2005, DERI International.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

5 Installation and Usage

5.1 Installation of the Mapping Language API

The API is distributed as a JAR archive, which should be extracted in a separate folder. The archive file is originally named mappingLanguage.jar and has the following contents:

5.2 Usage example

This example shows how to parse a file mapping between the following two ontologies.


The file containing a partial mapping for this example is accessible here. The conditional mapping rules which are necessary to realize a complete mapping of these two ontologies are not supported yet (see section Future Plans). In the following, we give the code of a sample class to parse this file into an object called 'map' and to serialize this object in output.

package org.omwg.mediation.compiler.test;

import org.omwg.mediation.Mapping2Object;

public class Mapping2ObjectTest {
public static void main(String[] argv) {

String filename = argv[0];

Mapping2Object map = new Mapping2Object("example.map");



6 Future Plans

The major driving forces for the future development of the Ontology Mapping API: Below follows a non-exhaustive list of tasks, which fit into the short-term development plans: The next release of this API is planned for the end of July 2005.

Appendix A. References

[de Bruijn et al. 2004] Jos de Bruijn, Francisco Martin-Recuerda, Axel Polleres, Livia Predoiu, Marc Ehrig: Ontology Mediation Management. SEKT Projekt deliverable D4.4, October 2004.

[FLORA] Guizhen Yang, Michael Kifer, and Chang Zhao: A Rule-Based Knowledge Representation and Inference Infrastructure for the Semantic Web. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE), Catania, 2003.

[OWL] Mike Dean and Guus Schreiber: OWL, Web Ontology Language Reference. W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004.

[WSML0.2] J. de Bruijn, H. Lausen , R. Krummenacher, A. Polleres, L. Predoiu, M. Kifer, D Fensel: The Web Service Modeling Language WSML. Deliverable d16.1v0.2, WSML, 2005. http://www.wsmo.org/TR/d16/d16.1/v0.2/

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