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For Developers
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Building DOME
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DERI Ontology Management Environment
Welcome to dome
The DERI Ontology Management Environment (DOME) is developed by the Ontology Management Working Group (OMWG). The mission is to create a suite for the efficient and effective management of ontologies that provides an integral solution for the overall problem. The main inspiring principles
- simplicity (a solution that is as simple as possible)
- completeness (solves all aspects of the problem)
- reuse (borrows concepts from well established research areas)
should provide a world-wide leading suite, which will be developed together with industrial partners and other research groups, and will be aligned with many different research projects. The Ontology Management suite will comprise tooling support for
- Editing & Browsing,
- Versioning & Evolution as well as
- Mapping & Merging
that will be offered in the form of freely combinable Eclipse Plug-ins. It will make use of an ontology-neutral API that will provide access to different ontology repositories and reasoning engines.